
Credits are important and as a open-source lover the very least I can do is to give credit to the people and community enabling me and so many more developers to do what they love! Even when like one person will ever see it LOL. So here are the credits of various things which enabled me to create this site in the way I created it, although not everything is open-source on this list.

This website gets delivered to you by...



Github is the code distribution and managing platform

Besides that its THE code sharing platform, it allows me to connect my site to vercel for automatic deployments


Vercel is a website hosting provider

Its free, easy and allows to automatically redeployment once the github repository receives an update


Namecheap is a Domain seller

A free domain was included in the Github students pack and Namecheap was what i choose

Using these amazing technologies...


SvelteKit is a powerful, feature rich open-source web-framework made to make Web development intuitive

Plain HTML is kinda annoying, didn't try any other frameworks, so SvelteKit it is


SASS is an CSS preprocessor for making straight forward Stylesheets

It makes the whole CSS making procedure more bearable, thats it. hehe


Typescript is just javascript but with types

I like how it looks and it makes me more productive. I honestly don't know why but its good

Created with these amazing tools...

VS Codium

VS Codium is a version of Visual Studio Code but without the tracking/telemetry done by Microsoft

VSCode is the my personal favorite code editor, but tracking sucks which is why I use VSCodium

Real Time Colors

RealTimeColors is an - as the name implies - real time color picker+generator for cohesive color themes

Its really easy go generate a nice color theme and eliminates the guess work when picking colors

Google fonts

A big catalog of fonts to choose from and include in your css via a url

Its simple, looks good, has good fonts, its google after all

Enriched thanks to the following packages...


A markdown to svelte converter with syntax highlighting

Used for the blog page since i didn't want to create a custom svelte page every time.


A syntax highlighter to convert plain text to highlighted html

The build-in mdsvex highlighter simply isn't the greatest so this is the replacement highlighter


A browser extension to rate a site base on the performance, accessibility, best practices and SEO

Used to improve certain aspects of the site I wouldn't have improved otherwise

And last but not least inspired from...


Awwwards is a famous website where you can find a ton load of cool, inspiring and amazing websites

On the Search for good colors themes I screen color-picked some colors form a multitude of sites found there

A personal/portfolio website

Looked to see how I should list my self hosted services and how to show the blog entries

A personal/portfolio website

Looked for orientation on how to list Skills/Experiences etc.


Youtube Content creator who recreates mesmerizing (and simple!) css/html/js effects

No direct inspiration to be perfectly honest, but some things certainly sticked

A website by a content creator who does a lot of different svelte Tutorials

I liked to have a blog-like page but didnt want to do a new svelte file, so i found this tutorial in order to use markdown instead!

A personal/portfolio website

Saw it in the svelte Discord server and a contact form via discord webhook inspired me to do that too!

a lot more!

Inspiration came from a lot more places

These where simply too many to list and/or remember and weren't as significant in my design choices anyway